

Artist: Sally Gilford

Archive: Stockport Heritage Library

Project: Diaries of Hannah Winbolt

I am interested in exploring the parallels between the social and political struggles at the time of Peterloo and the present day. I enjoy the challenge of re-interpreting heritage in a contemporary way and using creativity as a tool to engage people in new perspectives and ideas.

I worked with Stockport Heritage Library based on the diaries of Hannah Winbolt, a Stopfordian silk weaver who was a prominent suffragette advocate.

Working with sound artist, Vicky Clarkewe have visualised one of her speeches.  Starting with an image of the boundary lines of Stockport, we created an audio reactive programme in Processing, an open-source graphical coding environment for interactive electronic arts. The incoming audio was mapped to visual objects on screen which reacted to the amplitude of her voice to manipulate, scale and translate the abstract imagery of Stockport on screen.

This imagery has been used to form part of a print design which will feature on a banner along with a statement from one of Hannah’s speeches…

Ring out the old, ring in the new

Ring out the false, ring in the true

The work was displayed in Stockport library.

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