Thomas Barlow Petition
- Place: Lancaster
- Role: Injured
- Occupation: Weaver
Download accountThomas Barlow
PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES xli (1819-20) 1180-3. House of Commons Thursday 16 Dec 1819 .
Sir Robert Wilson presented a petition from Thomas Barlow, of little Heaton, in the county Palatine of Lancaster, weaver, setting forth,
That being at a public meeting which was legally convened at Manchester in the aforesaid county on the 16th of August last, and which said meeting was assembled in an orderly and peaceable manner, when it was assailed by an armed force, styled the Manchester Yeomanry Cavalry, and thrown into great confusion thereby, and a number of lives lost by pressure, by being trampled upon, and by wounds inflicted by the sabres of the yeomanry, aforesaid, and in the horrid confusion which ensued, the direct road of the petitioners retreat was obstructed by one of the said yeomanry, to whose humanity he appealed for that forbearance which in the day of battle himself had never refused even to the enemies of his country, but which, as a sailor and an Englishman, he now asked for in vain; for in attempting to pass the person aforesaid, the petitioner received from him a severe cut upon his head, followed by a lunge at his body, which with difficulty he parried from him with his arm, having no stick or weapon of any kind; that for this outrage and attempt upon his life the petitioner has not received indemnification, nor is he able to identify the person of his assailant, in consequence of his being disguised in the clothes and accoutrements of a soldier; wherefore the petitioner humbly prays, That the House would take such measures as may bring the authors, abettors, and executors of this unmanly outrage to justice.