Eyewitness Accounts

Eyewitness Accounts

To commemorate the 200 year anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre the Peterloo 2019 Ambassadors have worked in partnership with Professor Robert Poole (University of Central Lancashire), author of Peterloo: the English Uprising and the Age of Revolution at University of Kent to compile the 400+ eyewitness accounts which include press reports and petitions.

This is the first time the original accounts have been compiled into an online archive. You can now use the website to search by name, place and role and learn more about the eyewitness accounts from 1819.

Lancashire and Cheshire Magistrates Statement

Statement of the Lancashire & Cheshire Magistrates of the background to the Working classes complaints, the cancellation of the 9th August meeting and the behaviour of the Yeomanry on 16 August 1819.

  • Place: Manchester
  • Role: Officer
  • Occupation: Magistrate
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Charles Wright Eyewitness Account

9pm 16/8/1918 Report by Jeremiah Garnett about the days events sent it to the Home office including a Postscript as to how Mr Wright was injured.

  • Place: Elsewhere
  • Role: Injured,Press
  • Occupation: Reporter 'The Courier' (London)
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Mr Lythgoe Eyewitness Account

Account of activities from 12:00 describing banners, clothing, caps of Anarchy.

The timings on this account are later than on other accounts.

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William Butterworth Petitioner

Petitioner describes the wound he received and its impact on his family. Unable to work as a weaver for 5 months.

  • Place: Middleton,Rochdale
  • Role: Demonstrator,Injured,Petitioner
  • Occupation: Weaver
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William Barnes Petitioner

Barnes was attacked and sabred by the cavalry at 9.00pm. After seeking help from the police he was sabred again and arrested. Held for one week before being released without charge.

  • Place: Manchester
  • Role: Demonstrator,Injured,Petitioner
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