Age of Revolution
Age of Revolution is a teaching resource developed by Waterloo200 in partnership with University of Kent, Culture24 and the Historical Association, to share information and objects from the UK’s turbulent era of growth and expansion and its impact overseas between 1775 – 1848, visit the website here.
A partnership project was established with University of Kent, Manchester Histories, People’s History Museum, and historian Professor Robert Poole, to support learning materials and archive resources specific to the Peterloo Massacre.
Four students from the University of Kent were selected to work with the Peterloo Ambassadors to help transcribe a vast body of Peterloo Eyewitness Accounts to be hosted as a searchable resource on website. Click here to search the Eyewitness Accounts.

The students visited Manchester for a walking tour and tutorial with Robert Poole to underpin their knowledge of the Peterloo Massacre and other struggles for reform around this time. You can listen to podcasts they produced of interviews with Robert here.
They attended the Peterloo Ambassador Saturday workshop sessions to learn about the Eyewitness Accounts and the system of transcribing and uploading the accounts onto the Peterloo website and continued to upload the accounts remotely.
The collaboration also enabled the production and distribution of a schools’ version of the innovative graphic novel Peterloo Witnesses to a Massacre (Polyp, Schlunke and Poole). You can download a copy of the schools’ version of the novel and associated Educational Activities can be found on the same webpage.
Download your free copy of the schools’ version of the graphic novel.
You can also download for free a copy of the schools’ version of the novel with fully redacted text so pupils can create their own dialogue.
Download your free redacted copy of the schools’ version of the graphic novel.